Saturday, July 27, 2019

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY & PROSPECTUS Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

& PROSPECTUS - Annotated Bibliography Example Certain theorists and researchers consider that the problem is related to the personal characteristics of children/ adolescents. Others state that it is mainly the environment, social – including family – and political, that negatively influences the behavior of children/ adolescents within educational settings. At the same time, children/ adolescents with specific habits, such as the participation in video-games that include violent scenes, who are more likely to use violence when they feel that their interests are threatened. Current paper is expected to contribute in understanding the actual causes of violence in schools. Particular emphasis has been given on the relationship between violence and specific social, political and economic conditions. The role of family, as a factor initiating the use of violence, is also reviewed. The paper offers analytical explanations not only on the aspects and the causes of violence in schools, but also on the measures that would be introduced for the control of the phenomenon. Statistical data, recent as possible, have been also employed in order to reflect the historically development of the phenomenon, the expansion of which is continuous, a fact that had a decisive role in choosing the particular subject. The paper of Benbenishty and Astor has been presented in the context of the IV World Conference in regard to the violence in schools; the Conference took place in Lisbon, in 2008. The paper has been chosen as it includes a range of valuable information in regard to the specific phenomenon, as expanded worldwide. A series of incidents of school violence are presented; these incidents have taken place in countries with different cultures, including Japan, USA, Finland and Malaysia. The incorporation of the paper in the reference list of the specific study has been considered as necessary in order to highlight the aspects of violence in school, as a global

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