Saturday, September 7, 2019

Understanding Children's Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Understanding Children's Behavior - Essay Example Understanding Children’s Behavior Any growing child needs basic in order to adapt to the tenets of this life. In today’s schools, students with behavioral, emotional, and social difficulties have graced the current educational backyards and posed a great deal of problem to the teaching staff (McCall, 2004). Are these maniac types of students subject to rejection in schools or is it a challenge the modern educational system should address amicably? The truth though is that children’s with special emotional needs have come as the problem of the day in many schools. In support of such students and their parents, the government educational agencies have taken it their mandate as teachers’ response to such behaviors deems not very effective (Cook, 2006). These students’ have to be included in the mainstream schools. Their stay sees unrelenting application of palatable government adoptive policies, which has been termed as Inclusive Schooling. The facilitators of these policies are the teachers as they form the direct conduct with these behavioral kids. The beliefs, values, and attitudes of the teachers are much more of a necessity since the fate of such a kid is in his hands. This paper examines what balance is necessary between the practitioners and the sect of students with physical and medical needs, to those with moderate learning difficulties in mainstream schools.... With everyday interaction, there have come a number of issues destabilizing the professionalism of teachers. The effect of dealing with such students can as well affect the production of any professional teacher. These students pose as a problem and much of time consumed in addressing their behaviors. This is an expense if there are other kids who are morally correct and ought to learn with little distraction (McCall, 2004). Teacher perception, feeling of frustration and mistrust between a teacher and such a distractive kid are some nuggets that crop-up in a professional in encounter with such students. Every child develops with ambitions especially in early days of schooling (Frederic, 2011). According to Kolb & Hanley-Maxwell (2003), a teacher who handles a large group of intellectual diverse kids knows exactly the progress and capability of each child. If a child or a student develops some uncharacteristic behaviors, the teachers approach to the student and the class is as well af fected. This is perception. It is in line with the teachers’ professional teaching and helps make the learning process a success. How a teacher perceives a child generally depends on his conduct and behaviors. Professionally, teacher perception of school and general life pegs on a motivational plat-form. His perception encourages the livelihood of the students’ school life. The teacher to greater extend pose as parental guiders unto to the students. The students in return create an emotional attachment especially if the teacher has an interesting charisma (Vulliamy & Webb, 2003). The teacher perception on his students is paramount to the role he performs to academically guiding the students. It posses a challenge if any student with

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