Saturday, August 24, 2019


INVESTIGATE A FAMILY VIOLENCE TOPIC AT A NATIONAL LEVEL - Research Paper Example (Severson, 2011) It was reported in the Seattle Times on April 2, 2007 that Rebecca Griego was â€Å"stalked and murdered at the University of Washington by an abusive ex-boyfriend, who then killed himself.† (Carr, et al, 2007) It was reported by The New York Times on the 10th day of April 2011 that a woman was killed by her boyfriend who inflicted multiple stab wounds. Neighbors heard her screaming but by the time the police located her it was too late. An article published in The New Citizens Press October 23, 2009 reports that in 2007 45 individuals were killed in Michigan in domestic violence related homicides in Michigan. The weapons of choice is stated to have been a firearm and over 50% of the victims were killed by a firearm and 25% of the victims were killed by being stabbed. In 40% of the cases, the relationship had ended or was going to end. Most of the cases had a prior history of domestic violence, all except two of the domestic homicides were perpetrated by males . It was reported January 27, 2010 by the Houston Chronicle that the pastor of a church located in the area of Houston had been accused of domestic violence. The victim was the pastor’s estranged wife.

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